sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2019

All the characters I had in my ehad during acation time:

(Gods I should really start focusing on my masters this is going to come bite my ass later on... but anyway)

-For disgaea and makai who occupied most of the first half of my vacation time:
Green wind magic winged serpent Couatl with red feathers and scales named "Red Serpent". He looks like that sexy human transformer guy from the artists that draw sexy Assasins creed characters and is dressed like Amakusa from fate and chaos from Atelier iris II. He figths with Axes and fists. And fans from Makai kingdom. Good magic user with Kulkubkan spells from Smite and all wind magic. His iverload make peopel imune to physical damage for one turn int he form of a wind barrier.

-Radiata stories mage, with the red uniform of the music guy and wind spell but wind spell are yellow like dragon crown rather than purple.

-D&D Warlock The Hyena, again the guy from here:

Born from a Herbalist mother and a cleric of the blacksmith god, he had a lot fo pontecial btu was too lazy and insecure to realize the potencial, had many professions growing up.

-Being the second son he was ought to join the military but his family knew that was not the place for him, chaotic and rebellious he had no place int he army. His father, a sought out blakcsmith servant of a mysterious blacksmith deity in the mountains often took his sons to hunt in the woods, although he had great survival skills he was unabe to kill a single rabbit in cold blood. He was not a warrior.

-First eh tried to be a healer, he always had an interest in magic but felt it was too destructive knew that healing magic had the potencial to do what nothing else can. Sure magic can explode stuff but so can explosives, sure it can see what no one sees and peer the veil of time but so can The way, but healing? only magic can.
Cue for him in training robes looking perplexed in the sick room full of people coughing up blood and moaning. He quit the next day.

-Then he tried conventional magic and he had quite a gift for it, his dweomer was purple considered a rare color for magic with potencial for greatness. he went very well on his training being a master of lore and theory but Wizard magic in this setting being a mathematical and geometrical field made him unable to actually cast anything. He has dislexya. He had to quite for dispite being one of the professors favorite studant of arcane lore and a translator of many draconic tomes.

-The he tried to follow his family advice and become a cleric of the nameless god. He tried his best but was unable to stay due to conflicting ideologies and philosophical differences.

-He then tried to be a monk, he has always being quite athletic and acrobatic and fancied the ascetic life style, he was considered very wise for his age and had no issues with most aspects fo his lfie as a monk breezing thought most acrobatic exercises and learning new skills. until the time had come for figthing trianign and sparing pratices Cue for him looking doubthfoudned in a garden full of master monks figthing and breaking the aprendices legs and arms. The sound of breaking bones and the O_o look at his face. This was not the profession for him

-He tried to learn the will and the way in the psionic academy but hiding such a huge secret (his homosexuality) he was uanble to feel confortable ina palce where people could read his mind. He worked as a acolyte doing many translation jobs of ancient tomes.

Soon the inquisition got world of his job and did a ride on his room looking for demonic tomes he was supposedly hiding, they found nothing but they did found soem erotica books and got him aprehended.

At this time his mother was already locked up in an asylum doing to mental illness and his father barked in a servtued blacksmith spread for his god in the hopes of finding a cure.

His brother was a knight Templar for the nameless god and allowed the inquisition to go and try to "cure" him of his "soul affliction" to no avail. After being tortured and internalizing a lot of self hate he was branded a heretic and exiled to the desert.

The desert of the exileded is a mid sized desert where the inqusiition had an outpost until a mysterious outworldly voice started being heard by the soliders outpsoted there. This voice cryed for help but was ignored and rbanded as demonic by the inquisition the place was evacuated and now is used by the inqusition as a "clean" way of deposing heretics.

The heretics are left for dead in the hot sands of the desert and if they survive they are forgiven and no longer branded exiled (But the stigma still lingers) the voice in the desert often contact the minds of the dying exiles and tries to console them in their last hours abandoned by their family and friends.

The Hyena was facinated by the voice and tried to elarn more, they had long talks about phylosop´hy, nature and dreams by the ligth of stars and thanks to his survival skills he was able to find an oasis in the middle of the desert.

  Fromt here he learned everything he could about the voice, althougth he knew how uneasy was for him to trust an evil sounding disbodied vocie a sense of kinship was instantly formed between the two. It too was a exiled, a being from the far realm who took a deep interest in mortals of the prime material plane and was abadoned by his qin, he made home in this desert and using his power atarcted all sorts of his favorite humans, phylosophers, artists and scientists soon came and toegheder they built a palace in the sands, this temple was a place of joy, plesure, sex , art and philosophy scholars from the region would often go there meet this weird god, he hided in the shadows, mascarating his grotesque form with illusuions and apearing as a four armed giant woman with delciated feactures. But that was not last, the tmeple was soon attacked, everyone killed, the tomes, poems and scietifc trateses bruned, he then was captured by a cabal of rogue wizards in the desert that palned to use him to figth a blue dragon who lives here in search of spell components, he was selaed away and painfully boudn tot eh walls of his very tmeple.

Little the evil cabal knew but the dragon was observign their movements and with a suprise strike killed them all, the Voice was alone in the desert unable to leave or move. Nailed to the walls of a place once brought him so much joy.

He tried to make telepathic contact with merchants but to no avail, no one trusted him and with reason, you should not trust voices of powerful ebings sealed away in ancient ruins. Years had passed and the inquisition showed up to no avail they fared no batter than the emrchants who with time tried to avoid the cursed haunted place.

Soon the eiles started showing up, they were in a very similar situation, boudned and aniled to woooden poles left to their own divices to die and rot in a painful way, forgoten and abandoned in the desert sands, he took upon himself to easy the process by given them company and solace. In their dreams he would give them their wishes. Soon he would be know as "The vocie in the desert" a minnor god of haunted places, sinners, heretics and exiles.

The Hyena had decided, he was good a dead anyway he would try to help his new found firend, even if he was lying and was actually and elder evil or demon who would bring calamity he did not care, he did more to him and the likes of him than this entire world, he did not wish to damn everyone to darkness but if that was the case so be it, atleast he would have some sort of revange, but trully he just wanted to help his new found (and only) friend.

He located the ruins and after many dificult arcane tasks where he put all the skils, he had gathered so far in sue he was able to free it.

The creature is a Mantorok look a like who was freatful, he said he would return to the stars and the void beyond but he was eternally greatful to The Hyena. He deicded to create a mind link between the two so they could always communicate with each other and besotred a powerful Warlcoks igil on him allowing him to gain outworldy eldrich powers. He said in a booming telephatic echo thatc rossed the continent "The voice of the desert is no more, go forth children of the Exile and bring solace not only to the desert but to all exiles of the world" before leaving to the far realms.

Using his new found powers he was able to save  the other exiles and togehder they formed a religious community and built an outpost in the osasis.

Soon their cult gorwn and grown atracting people form all over the continent.

Now he serves as the cult main rpeacher but leaves the politics and organization to his other allies.

He plans to expand the cult to the Holy city of Maar where other gods are not frowned upon.

He also wants to cure his mind of his illness and free his father form the contract with the Blakcsmith deity.

He also wants revange againts the church of the nameless god inquisition and to freely indulge in his tendences vene if its very hard for hi thanks tot he years of indotrinationa nd torture at the hands of the inqusition.


Another warlcok who cotnrol will o wispers and has a Kaiju Moth as patron.

Also Also:



His warlcok pact was only possible because they shared the same purple dweomer allowing the connection. Dweomer play an important role in my setting and pacts can only be formed between ebings with copatible dweomer.

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